Configure Outlook Express

How to Add Your Mail Email Account in Outlook Express

Your username and email address are the same. They are in the form  

(Where johndoe is the username and is the domain name)

  1. Open Outlook Express.

    Internet Access - Outlook Express

  2. If the Internet Connection Wizard pops up, skip to step #5. Otherwise go on to step #3.
  3. From the Tools menu, choose Accounts.

    Internet Access - Outlook Express Accounts

  4. Click the Add button, and choose Mail.

    Internet Access - Outlook Express Properties

  5. In the Display name box, type in your name.
  6. Click the Next button.

    Internet Access - Outlook Express Properties

  7. Select I already have an e-mail address that I'd like to use. (You may not have to do this)
  8. In the E-mail address box, type in your email address.
  9. Click the Next button.

    Internet Access - Outlook Express Properties

  10. Click the down arrow on the drop-down list and choose POP3.
  11. In the Incoming mail (POP3,IMAP or HTTP) server box, type
  12. In the Outgoing mail (SMTP) server box, type the same SMTP details as your dial up account what you use to connect to the internet.  Open one of your other e-mail properties to check the SMTP settings.
  13. Click the Next button.

    Internet Access - Outlook Express Properties

  14. In the Account name box, type in your email address.
  15. In the Password box, type in your password.
  16. Check the box next to Remember password if you would like your password to be saved.
  17. Click the Next button.

    Internet Access - Outlook Express Properties

  18. Click the Finish button.

    Internet Access - Outlook Express Properties

  1. Lastly, double click to open the newly created email and navigate to the server settings page to make sure that the checkbox is marked as per the example below. 

    (NOTE: It must be marked if you use the IP address or at your SMTP settings.  If you use outside SMTP settings, for example or then don't mark this checkbox)

  2. Click the OK button.
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